Company News | The 7th China POS Industry CEO Roundtable Summit-Co-organized by Intel (China) Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Gifa Industrial Control Co., Ltd.

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Company News | The 7th China POS Industry CEO Roundtable Summit


On August 15, 2022, , Intel (China) Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Gifa Industrial Control Co., Ltd. co-organized the 7th China POS Industry CEO Roundtable Summit in SanDuAo Hotel of Ningde.


The summit interpreted the "New Era of Smart Retail" from different perspectives. The guests discussed the challenges faced by the industry and looked for new opportunities for the future development of the industry.

In this summit, Gifa introduced the POS product line of Gifa in 2022 and a series of solutions launched to solve the problems of the new platform in POS product design.




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